Spring Service of Ibombo Bicycle Repair Stations in the Municipality of Brwinów
With the arrival of spring, our Sport-Bike team had the pleasure of conducting a comprehensive service of bicycle repair stations for the Municipality of Brwinów, a key part of the Warsaw metropolitan area. As part of this service, we focused on a thorough inspection of the devices from the renowned company Ibombo, which are an integral part of the local cycling infrastructure.
Thorough Inspection and Cleaning of Stations
After the winter period, each location was meticulously checked for functionality and cleanliness. Meeting the needs and expectations of the Municipality of Brwinów and its residents, we carried out a thorough cleaning of the stations to prepare them for increased cyclist traffic during the warmer months.
Tool Replenishment and Maintenance
Based on the client’s specifications, each station was replenished with missing tools. Additionally, we performed maintenance and repairs on the pumps and tools installed at the stations, ensuring their reliability and readiness for use by all cyclists.
Station Locations in the Municipality of Brwinów
The Municipality of Brwinów is equipped with Ibombo stations, strategically located to serve residents and visitors of the municipality. Here is the full list of bicycle repair station locations:
- Brwinów, ul. Piłsudskiego 11 (near the school)
- Brwinów, ul. Sochaczewska/11 Listopada
- Brwinów, ul. Piłsudskiego/Woydy
- Brwinów, city park (near the gate)
- Brwinów, ul. Wilsona near the Cultural Center
- Brwinów, ul. Żwirowa 16 (near the school)
- Brwinów, ul. Pruszkowska (near the elevator)
- Parzniew, ul. Główna (near the playground)
- Otrębusy, ul. Piaseckiego 2 (near the school)
- Owczarnia, ul. Żółwińska/ Kazimierzowska
- Kanie, near the WKD stop
- Żółwin, ul. Szkolna 39 (near the school)
- Kanie, ul. Pruszkowska (near the entrance to the estate)
- Otrębusy, ul. Piaseckiego (near the rest point)
- Otrębusy, ul. Karolińska (near the rest point)
Dziękujemy Gminie Brwinów za zaufanie i możliwość przyczynienia się do rozwoju lokalnej infrastruktury rowerowej. Nasze działania mają na celu nie tylko utrzymanie, ale również poprawę jakości życia mieszkańców i wspieranie aktywnego trybu życia. Sport-Bike pozostaje do dyspozycji dla wszystkich, którzy cenią sobie profesjonalizm, jakość i niezawodność usług.
The Sport-Bike team wishes all residents and visitors of the Municipality of Brwinów safe and enjoyable rides on two wheels. We invite you to use our Fix&Roll bicycle repair stations!